Social Media: the ability to help and hinder your job search
Social Media has revolutionised many industries in recent times and recruitment is no exception. For recruitment agencies it is now important to have a significant online presence, helping to engage with potential candidates and employers. For candidates too, social media is an increasingly useful tool in assisting their job search, helping to communicate with potential agencies and employers alike
While it is hugely useful in helping you find that perfect job, social media can also hurt you. Employers are finding it an increasingly useful tool in assisting their recruitment process. Your CV gives them the professional viewpoint of you, however to get a more personal view of your character, social media provides the clues, helping them to further tighten their screening process.
An interesting recent survey of 300 HR managers really illustrates the impact social media can have in the recruiting process. It found that around 91% of them used Social media to screen prospective employees.
Of the same 300, 69% said that they rejected a candidate because of what they saw of them on social media. The main reasons for this included bad comments posted about previous employers, inappropriate photos or false information about previous qualifications.
Equally though, your profile may further enhance your application, with 68% of the 300 saying that they hired a candidate due to what they saw about them on social media. The main reasons included a positive impression of the personality, the profile showed candidates’ creativity and also supported information on their professional qualifications.
So in summary it seems that keeping a positive online image can now be seen as another important tick in the box during your search for a new job
If you’re looking for help with your job search or looking for an agency in Banbury, Brackley or Bicester to help find your new job then give us a call on 01295 817669. Do also check out the job section of our website for all our latest vacancies.